Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and border restrictions the North Brisbane Junior Motorcycle Club, in consultation with Motorcycling Australia have made the difficult decision to cancel the running of the 2021 Australian Senior Dirt Track and Australian Junior Dirt Track Championships.

Both Championships, which were to be held at Mick Doohan Raceway, Banyo, Queensland had been rescheduled earlier this year due to COVID-19, but with the ongoing border restrictions and no clarity provided by State Governments around the timing for the opening of state borders, the tough decision to cancel both Championship events has been made. The championships will hopefully be back in 2022, when lockdowns are lifted and riders can travel inter-state once again.

Motorcycling Australia say they support the decision of the North Brisbane Junior MCC as with State border restrictions it makes it impossible for interstate riders and teams, officials and fans to attend the Championships. We hope to see the racing back on track again!